4D Info Report Component – Thomas Schlumberger

Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 12:00 noon, CDT (UTC−5:00) Download .ics

Special Topic:
4D Info Report ComponentThomas Schlumberger

4D applications play a central role in supporting businesses and institutions around the world… around the clock. That makes it important to understand how the applications are performing in order to tune the code, hardware and networking accordingly for optimal operation.

Out of the box, 4D gives us the Administration Window, which offers an overall view of how the application is running at this very moment. But what if you are, perhaps, not around to look at the Administration Window when an anomaly happens? Maybe users are experiencing slow responses during specific times of the day? Some problems, like memory leaks, build up over days or weeks depending on the situation. What if you are called in to help with an application that you know nothing about?!?

Then it is time to rely on the 4D Info Report Component, as 4D Technical Support has for many years. Thomas Schlumberger built this component to install on client sites and capture snapshots of core metrics to show environmental changes over a time period while not interfering with the logic or memory footprint of the host application. There are fancier ways to achieve the same view of your 4D application performance, but your first step should be using this component.

In this 4DMethod meeting, Thomas Schlumberger will give us a general overview of the component implementation and usage and share some new tips and tricks with the current version. He will also give us a preview of the next major component update.

This meeting is being hosted live with real-time discussion on Zoom.  Click here to join…

To follow along with the meeting slideshow, access it here when it is available…
Download a copy of the slides used in this meeting

Have comments or questions after the meeting?  Either post them here or to discuss.4d.com.

If you cannot attend the live Zoom meeting, no worries!  A recording will be posted to the 4DMethod Youtube channel after the meeting ends.

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